
Garnem, Felinem y Monegro: Rootstocks developed at the Agri‑Food Research and Technology Center of Aragón (CITA), Spain.
clonal rootstocksDescription

Unbudded trees of ‘Garnem’, ‘Felinem’, and ‘Monegro’ are vigorous. Leaves are red, big, lanceolate. Active growing shoots exhibit an intense red‑purplish color. Because the leaves mature during the growing season, they turn brownish green to green. The three rootstocks bloom early, exhibiting similar low chilling requirements. Despite their similar morphology and performance, the three clones may be distinguished by molecular markers.


‘Garnem’, ‘Felinem’ y ‘Monegro’ are a cross between the Spanish almond ‘Garfi’ [Prunus amygdalus Batsch, syn. P. dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] as the female parent and the North American peach ‘Nemared’ [P. persica (L.) Batsch] as the pollen donor. ‘Garfi’ is an open‑pollinated seedling of ‘Garrigues’ almond previously selected because of its good morphological characteristics and ease of clonal propagation ‘Nemared’ was chosen mainly as a source for root‑knot nematode resistance.


These rootstocks have been selected primarily for almond and peach and have exhibited total graft compatibility with numerous almond, peach, and nectarine cultivars. They are also compatible with some diploid plums. Compatibility has also been observed with some apricot cultivars belonging to the more compatible apricot group.

different clonal rootstocksAvailability

‘Felinem’, ‘Garnem’, and ‘Monegro’ have been granted European Community Plant Variety Rights numbers 16366, 16363 and 16362, respectively. They are available to nurseries through commercial licenses by Geslive, S.L. (C. Antonio Maura 7 1º Izda, 28014, Madrid, Spain).


‘Garnem’, ‘Felinem’, and ‘Monegro’ propagate well by hardwood and herbaceous cuttings in aerated and welldrained soils. Best results for hardwood cuttings are obtained in the fall. Cuttings are easily obtained thanks to the low level of shoot branching. They also propagate very well in vitro.

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