
SCI Journals


  • De la Rubia A.G., De Castro M., Medina-Lozano I., García-Angulo P. (2022). Using plant-based preparations to protect common bean against halo blight disease: the potential of nettle to trigger the immune system. Agronomy 12: 63.
  • Garcia-Mas J., Cantin C.M., Moreno M.A., Martínez-García PJ (2022). Genetic diversity and genome-wide association study of morphological and quality traits in peach using two Spanish peach germplasm collections. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 854770.
  • Herrera S., Lora J., Fadón E., Hedhly A., Alonso J.M., Hormaza J.I., Rodrigo J. (2022). Male meiosis as a biomarker of the transition from endodormancy to ecodormancy in apricot. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 842333.
  • Medina-Lozano I., Díaz A. (2022). Applications of genomic tools in plant breeding: crop biofortificatio. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(6): 3086.
  • Tedesco S., Fevereiro P., Kragler F., Pina A. (2022). Plant grafting and graft incompatibility: A review from the grapevine perspective. Scientia Horticulturae 299: 111019.

  • 2021

  • Amri R., Font I Forcada C., Gimenez R., Pina A., Moreno M.A. (2021). Biochemical characterization and differential expression of PAL genes associated with “translocated” peach/plum graft-incompatibility. Frontiers In Plant Science 12: 622578.
  • Bielsa B., Ávila-Alonso J.I., Martí Á.F.I., Grimplet J., Rubio-Cabetas M.J. (2021). Gene expression analysis in cold stress conditions reveals BBX20 and CLO as potential biomarkers for cold tolerance in almond. Horticulturae 7(12): 527.
  • Bielsa B., Sanz M.Á., Rubio-Cabetas M.J. (2021). ‘Garnem’ and Myrobalan ‘P.2175’: two different drought responses and their implications in drought tolerance. Horticulturae 7(9): 299.
  • Bielsa F.J., Irisarri P., Errea P., Pina A. (2021). Genetic diversity and structure of local pear cultivars from mountainous areas from aragon (Northeastern spain). Agronomy 11(9): 1748.
  • Calle A., Grimplet J., Le Dantec L., Wünsch A. (2021). Identification and characterization of DAMs Mutations Associated with early blooming in sweet cherry, and validation of DNA-based markers for selection. Frontiers In Plant Science 12: 621491.
  • Calle A., Serradilla M.J., Wünsch A. (2021). QTL mapping of phenolic compounds and fruit colour in sweet cherry using a 6+9K SNP array genetic map. Scientia Horticulturae 280: 109900.
  • Cantín C.M., Drogoudi P., Gasic K. (2021). Research topic “breeding for consumer quality traits in rosaceous fruit trees”. Frontiers In Plant Science.
  • Fadón E., Herrera S., Herrero M., Rodrigo J. (2021). Male meiosis in sweet cherry is constrained by the chilling and forcing phases of dormancy. Tree Physiology 41(4): 619-630.
  • Fadón E., Rodrigo J., Luedeling E. (2021). Cultivar-specific responses of sweet cherry flowering to rising temperatures during dormancy. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology 307: 108486.
  • Fernandez E., Krefting P., Kunz A., Do H., Fadón E., Luedeling E. (2021). Boosting statistical delineation of chill and heat periods in temperate fruit trees through multi-environment observations. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology 310: 108652.
  • Font i Forcada C., Reig G., Fontich C., Batlle I., Alegre S., Cantin C.M., Eduardo I., Carbo J., Maillard A., Maillard L., Bonany J. (2021). TERRAM and LUX series: Four yellow-fleshed and three white-fleshed peaches. Hortscience 59(6): 1132-1133.
  • Font i Forcada C., Reig G., Fontich C., Batlle I., Alegre S., Cantin C.M., Eduardo I., Carbo J., Maillard A., Maillard L., Bonany J. (2021). MAGNA and BLANQ series: Two yellow-fleshed and three white-fleshed nectarines. Hortscience 59(6): 1130-1131.
  • Gracia B.M., Reig D.L., Rubio-Cabetas M.J., Sanz-García M.A. (2021). Study of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of spanish almonds. Foods 10(10): 2334.
  • Guerrero B.I., Guerra M.E., Herrera S., Irisarri P., Pina A., Rodrigo J. (2021). Genetic diversity and population structure of japanese plum-type (Hybrids of P. salicina) accessions assessed by SSR markers. Agronomy 11(9): 1748.
  • Herrera S., Hormaza J.I., Lora J., Ylla G., Rodrigo J. (2021). Molecular characterization of genetic diversity in apricot cultivars: Current situation and future perspectives. Agronomy-Basel 11(9): 1714.
  • Jung M., Roth M., Aranzana M.J., Auwerkerken A., Bink M., Denance C., Dujak Ch., Durel Ch., Font i Forcada C., Cantin C.M., Guerra W., Howard N.P., Keller B., Lewandowski M., Ordidge M., Rymenants M., Sanin N., Studer B., Zurawicz E., Laurens F, Patocchi A., Muranty H. (2021). The apple REFPOP-a reference population for genomics-assisted breeding in apple. Horticulture Research 7: 189.
  • Irisarri P., Errea P., Pina A. (2021). Physiological and molecular characterization of new apricot cultivars grafted on different Prunus rootstocks. Agronomy 11(8): 1464.
  • Mas-Gomez J., Cantin C.M., Moreno M.A., Prudencio A.S., Gomez-Abajo M., Bianco L., Troggio M., Martinez-Gomez P., Rubio M., Martinez-Garcia P.J. (2021). Exploring Genome-Wide Diversity in the National Peach (Prunus persica) Germplasm Collection at CITA (Zaragoza, Spain). Agronomy-Basel 11(3): 481.
  • Medina-Lozano I., Bertolín J.R., Díaz A. (2021). Nutritional value of commercial and traditional lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and wild relatives: Vitamin C and anthocyanin content. Food Chemistry 359: 129864.
  • Montesinos A., Dardick C, Rubio-Cabetas M.J., Grimplet J. (2021). Polymorphisms and gene expression in the almond IGT family are not correlated to variability in growth habit in major commercial almond cultivars. Plos One 16(10): e0252001.
  • Montesinos A., Thorp G., Grimplet J.M.., Rubio-Cabetas M.J. (2021). Phenotyping almond orchards for architectural traits influenced by rootstock choice. Horticulturae 7(7): 159.
  • Perez de los Cobos F., Martinez-Garcia P.J., Romero A.i., Miarnau X., Iban E., Howad W., Mnejja M., Dicenta F., Socias i Company R., Rubio-Cabetas M.J., Gradziel T.M., Wirthensohn M., Duval H., Holland D., Arus P., Vargas F.J., Batlle I. (2021). Pedigree analysis of 220 almond genotypes reveals two world mainstream breeding lines based on only three different cultivars. Horticulture Research 8(1): 11.
  • Pina A., Irisarri P., Errea P., Zhebentyayeva T. (2021). Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with graft (in)compatibility in apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Frontiers In Plant Science 12: 622906.
  • Tedesco S., Erban A., Gupta S., Kopka J., Fevereiro P., Kragler F., Pina A. (2021). The impact of metabolic scion-rootstock interactions in different grapevine tissues and phloem exudates. Metabolites 11(6): 349.
  • Vahdati K., Sarikhani S., Arab M.M., Leslie C.A., Dandekar A.M., Aletà N., Bielsa B., Gradziel T.M., Montesinos Á., Rubio-Cabetas M.J., Sideli G.M., Serdar Ü., Akyüz B., Beccaro G.L., Donno D., Rovira M., Ferguson L., Akbari M., Sheikhi A., Sestras A.F., Kafkas S., Paizila A., Roozban M.R., Kaur A., Panta S., Zhang L., Sestras R.E., Mehlenbacher S.A. (2021). Advances in rootstock breeding of nut trees: Objectives and strategies. Plants-Basel 10(11): 2234.
  • Zinelabidine L.H., Torres-Pérez R., Grimplet J., Baroja E., Ibáñez S., Carbonell-Bejerano P., Martínez-Zapater J.M. Ibáñez J., Tello J. (2021). Genetic variation and association analyses identify genes linked to fruit set-related traits in grapevine. Plant Science 306: 110875.

  • 2020

  • Alioto T. , Alexiou K.G., Bardil A., Barteri F., Castanera R., Cruz F., Dhingra A., Duval H., Fernández i Martí Á., Frias L., Galán B., García J.L., Howad W., Gómez‑Garrido J., Gut M., Julca I., Morata J., Puigdomènech P., Ribeca P., Rubio‑Cabetas M.J., Vlasova A., Wirthensohn M., Garcia‑Mas J., Gabaldón T., Casacuberta J.M. y Arús P. (2020). Transposons played a major role in the diversification between the closely related almond and peach genomes: results from the almond genome sequence. The plant Journal 101: 455-472.
  • Calle A., Balas F., Cai L., Iezzoni A., López-Corrales M., Serradilla M.J., Wünsch A. (2020). Fruit size and firmness QTL alleles of breeding interest identified in a sweet cherry ‘Ambrunés’ × ‘Sweetheart’ population. Molecular Breeding 40: 86.
  • Calle A., Cai L., Iezzoni A., Wünsch A. (2020). Genetic dissection of bloom time in low chilling sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) using a multi-family QTL approach. Frontiers In Plant Science 10: 1647.
  • Calle A., Wünsch A. (2020). Multiple-population QTL mapping of maturity and fruit-quality traits reveals LG4 region as a breeding target in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). Horticulture Research 7: 127.
  • Cantin C.M., Gine-Bordonaba J., Echeverria G, (2020). Optimal handling and postharvest strategies to reduce losses of ‘Cuello Dama Negro’ Dark Figs (Ficus carica L.). International Journal Of Fruit Science 20:sup2, S414-S431.
  • Cantin C.M., Wang X.W., Almira M., Arús P., Eduardo I. (2020). Inheritance and QTL analysis of chilling and heat requirements for flowering in an interspecific almond x peach (Texas x Earlygold) F2 population. Euphytica 216(3): 51.
  • Castel L., Pina A., Irisarri P., Errea P. (2020). Sugar content and organic acid profiles of local apple cultivars recovered from mountain zones. Journal Of Applied Botany And Food Quality 93: 217-224 .
  • Cirilli M., Micali S., Aranzana M.J., Arús P., Babini A., Barreneche T., Bink M., Cantin C.M., Ciacciulli A., Cos-Terrer J.E., Drogoudi P., Eduardo I., Foschi S., Giovannini D., Guerra W., Liverani A., Pacheco I., Pascal T., Quilot-Turion B., Verde I., Rossini L., Bassi D. (2020). The multi-site PeachRefPop collection: a true cultural heritage and international scientific tool for fruit trees. Plant Physiology 184(2): 632-646.
  • Díaz A., Taberner A., Vilaplana L. (2020). The emergence of a new weed in maize plantations: characterization and genetic structure using microsatellite markers. Genetic Resources And Crop Evolution 67(1): 225-239.
  • Eduardo I., de Tomas C., Alexiou K.G., Giovannini D., Pietrella M., Carpenedo S., Bassols Raseira M.C., Batlle I., Cantin C.M., Aranzan, M.J., Arus P. (2020). Fine mapping of the peach pollen sterility gene (Ps/ps) and detection of markers for marker-assisted selection. Molecular Breeding 40: 57.
  • Fadón E., Fernandez E., Behn H., Luedeling E. (2020). A conceptual framework for winter dormancy in deciduous trees. Agronomy-Basel 10(2): 241.
  • Fadón E., Herrera S., Guerrero B.I., Engracia Guerra M., Rodrigo J. (2020). Chilling and heat requirements of temperate stone fruit trees (Prunus sp.). Agronomy-Basel 10(3): 409.
  • Fernandez E., Luedeling E., Behrend D., Van De Vliet S., Kunz A., Fadón E. (2020). Mild water stress makes apple buds more likely to flower and more responsive to artificial forcing—impacts of an unusually warm and dry summer in Germany. Agronomy-Basel 10(2): 274.
  • Giné-Bordonaba J., Eduardo I., Arús P., Cantín C.M. (2020). Biochemical and genetic implications of the slow ripening phenotype in peach fruit. Scientia Horticulturae 259: 108824.
  • Guerra M.E., Guerrero B.I., Casadomet C., Rodrigo J. (2020). Self-(in)compatibility, S-RNase allele identification, and selection of pollinizers in new Japanese plum-type cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae 261: 109022.
  • Guerrero B.I., Guerra M.E., Rodrigo J. (2020). Establishing pollination requirements in Japanese plum by phenological monitoring, hand pollinations, fluorescence microscopy and molecular genotyping. Journal of Visualized Experiments 165: e61897.
  • Hedhly A., Nestorova A., Herrmann A., Grossniklaus U. (2020). Acute heat stress during stamen development in Arabidopsis thaliana: Challenges and opportunities. Environmental and Experimental Botany 173: 103992.
  • Herrera S., Lora J., Hormaza J.I., Rodrigo J. (2020). Determination of Self‑ and inter‑(in)compatibility relationships in apricot combining hand‑pollination, microscopy and genetic analyses. Journal of Visualized Experiments 160: e60241.
  • Ibáñez J., Baroja E., Grimplet J., Ibáñez S. (2020). Cultivated grapevine displays a great diversity for reproductive performance variables. Crop Breed Genet Genom 2(1): e200003.
  • Medina-Lozano I., Bertolín J.R., Zufiaurre R., Díaz A. (2020). Improved UPLC-UV method for the quantification of vitamin C in lettuce varieties (Lactuca sativa L.) and crop wild relatives (Lactuca spp.). Journal of Visualized Experiments 160: e61440.
  • Penso G,A,, Citadin I., Scariotto S., Magalhães dos Santos C.E., Junior A.W., Bruckner C.H., Rodrigo J. (2020). Development of peach flower buds under low winter chilling conditions. Agronomy-Basel 10(3): 428.
  • Perez V., Larranaga N., Abdallah D., Wünsch A., Hormaza J.I. (2020). Genetic Diversity of Local Peach (Prunus persica) Accessions from La Palma Island (Canary Islands, Spain). Agronomy-Basel 10(4): 457.
  • Quesada-Traver C., Guerrero B.I., Badenes M.L., Rodrigo J., Rios G., Lloret A. (2020). Structure and expression of Bud Dormancy-Associated MADS-BoxGenes (DAM) in European plum. Frontiers In Plant Science 11.
  • Riahi C., Reig-Valiente J.L., Picó B., Díaz A., Gonzalo M.J., Monforte A.J. (2020). Evidence of the role of QTL epistatic interactions in the increase of melon fruit flesh content during domestication. Agronomy-Basel 10(8): 1064.
  • Tedesco S., Erban A., Gupta S., Kopka J., Fevereiro P., Kragler F., Pina A. (2020). Profiling scion-rootstock metabolic interactions in homo-and heterografted grapevines. Frontiers In Plant Science_Under Review.
  • Tedesco S., Pina A., Fevereiro P., Kragler F. (2020). A phenotypic search on graft compatibility in grapevine. Agronomy 10(5): 706.
  • Tello J., Torres-Pérez R., Flutre T., Grimplet J., Ibáñez J. (2020). VviUCC1 nucleotide diversity, linkage disequilibrium and association with rachis architecture traits in grapevine. Genes 11(6): 598.
  • Tsuchimatsu T., Kakui H., Yamazaki M., Marona C., Tsutsui H., Hedhly A., Meng D., Sato Y., Städler T., Grossniklaus U., Kanaoka M.M., Lenhard M., Nordborg M., Shimizu K.K. (2020). Adaptive reduction of male gamete number in the selfing plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Communications 11: 2885.

  • 2019

  • Baron D., Esteves Amaro A.C., Pina A., Ferreira G. (2019). An overview of grafting re‑establishment in woody fruit species. Scientia Horticulturae 243: 84-91.
  • Bielsa B., García‑Brunton M.A., Rubio‑Cabetas M.J. (2019). Caracterización de la respuesta adaptativa a sequía de dos cultivares de melocotonero en condiciones de aridez. ITEA-Información Técnica Económica Agraria 115(4): 307‑325.
  • Bielsa B., Sanz M.A, Rubio‑Cabetas M.J. (2019). Uncovering early response to drought by proteomic, physiological and biochemical changes in the almond × peach rootstock ‘Garnem’. Functional Plant Biology 46(11): 994-1008.
  • Fadón E., Herrero M., Rodrigo J. (2019). Anther and pollen development in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) in relation to winter dormancy. Protoplasma 256: 733-744.
  • Fadón E., Rodrigo J. (2019). Combining histochemical staining and image analysis to quantify starch in ovary primordia of sweet cherry during winter dormancy. Journal of Visualized Experiments 145: e58524.
  • Fornés Comas J., Socias i Company R., Alonso Segura J.M. (2019). Shell hardness in almond: Cracking load and kernel percentage. Scientia Horticulturae 245: 7-11.
  • Giné-Bordonaba J., Eduardo I., Arús P., Cantín C.M. (2020). Biochemical and genetic implications of the slow ripening phenotype in peach fruit. Scientia Horticulturae 259: 108824.
  • Gonzalo M.J., Díaz A., Dhillon N., Reddy U., Picó B., Monforte A.J. (2019). Re-evaluation of the role of Indian germplasm as center of melon diversification based on Genotyping-by-Sequencing analysis. BMC Genomics 20: 448.
  • Irisarri P., Zhebentyayeva T., Errea P., Pina A. (2019). Inheritance of self‑ and graft‑incompatibility traits in an F1 apricot progeny. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216371.
  • Book Chapters


  • Herrera S., Lora J., Hormaza J.I., Rodrigo J. (2021). Pollination Management in Stone Fruit Crops. En: Production Technology Of Stone Fruits (M.M. Mir, U. Iqbal, S.A. Mir (Eds.)), pp. 75-102. Springer, Singapore.
  • Medina-Lozano I., Díaz A. (2021). Nutritional value and phytochemical content of landraces and traditional varieties. En: Landraces: Traditional Variety and Natural Breed (ed.Amr Elkelish). IntechOpen, London..

  • 2020

  • Delrot S., Grimplet J., Carbonell-Bejerano P., Dalla Costa I., Schwandner A., Bert P-F., Bavaresco B., Di Gaspero G., Duchêne E., Hausmann L., Malnoy M., Morgante M., Ollat N., Pecile M., Vezzulli S. (2020). Genetic and genomic approaches for adaptation of grapevine to climate change. En: Genomic Designing Of Climate-Smart Fruit Crops (Kole, C. (eds)), pp 157–270. Springer, Cham. .

  • 2018

  • Batlle I., Iglesias I., Cantín C.M., Badenes M.L., Ríos G., Ruiz D., Dicenta F., Egea J., López‑Corrales M., Guerra M.E., Alonso J.M., Socias i Company R., Rodrigo J., García Montiel F., García Brunton J. (2018). Frutales de hueso y pepita. En: Influencia del cambio climático en la mejora genética de plantas (García Brunton J., Pérez Tornero O., Cos Terrer J.E., Ruiz García L., Sánchez López E. (eds.)) pp. 79-132. SECH. Sociedad Española de Genética. CC AA Región de Murcia. ISBN 978-84-948233-8-1. Murcia.
  • Non-Indexed Journals

    en prensa

  • Bielsa B., Montesinos Á., Rubio-Cabetas M.J. (En prensa). Advance studies to develop biomarkers for water stresses tolerance in rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae. Accepted.
  • Calle A., Santolaria N., Hedhly A., Wünsch A. (En prensa). Characterization of female and male sterility in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). Acta Horticulturae.
  • Irisarri P., Errea P., Pina A. (En prensa). Graft compatibility between new red apricot cultivars and different Prunus rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae. Accepted.

  • 2022

  • Medina-Lozano I., Díaz A. (2022). Evolución de la mejora genética en lechuga. Agricultura. Revista Agropecuaria y Ganadera 1059: 86-89.

  • 2021

  • Alonso Segura J.M., Espiau-Ramírez M.T., Pina Sobrino A., Rubio-Cabetas M.J., Fernández i Martì A. (2021). Genetic diversity of the Spanish Pear Germplasm Collection assessed by SSRs. Acta Horticulturae 1303: 37-44.
  • Bielsa B., Montesinos Á., Espiau M.T., Ansón J.M., Jaime S.J., Laya D., Sanz M.A., Estopañán G., González V., Grimplet J., Rubio-Cabetas M.J. (2021). Mejora genética del almendro: Pasado, presente y futuro. Agricultura. Revista Agropecuaria y Ganadera 1047: 48-55.
  • Irisarri P., Errea P., Pina A. (2021). Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene expression in apricot cultivars grafted onto different Prunus rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae 1307: 79-82.
  • Espiau Ramírez M.T., Alonso Segura J.M. (2021). Agro-morphological diversity of local and international accessions of the Spanish Pear Germplasm Bank in Zaragoza. Acta Horticulturae 1303: 71-78.
  • Herrera S., Lora J., Hormaza J.I., Rodrigo J. (2021). Albaricoquero: renovación varietal y necesidades de polinización. Agricultura. Revista Agropecuaria y Ganadera 1047: 56-60.
  • Ono K., Chang E.T., Nishiyama S., Wünsch A., Tao R. (2021). Characterization of a gene co-expression network associated with MGST, the pollen modifier gene of gametophytic self-incompatibility in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). Acta horticulturae 1312: 9-16.

  • 2020

  • Guerra M.E., Gharbi O., Andrés M.V., Rodrigo J. (2020). Crecimiento y caída de flores no polinizadas en ciruelo japonés (Prunus salicina Lindl.) y ciruelo europeo (Prunus domestica L.). Actas Portuguesas de Horticultura 30: 221-225.
  • Herrera S., Lora J., Hormaza J.I., Herrero M., Rodrigo J. (2020). Evaluación de la autoincompatibilidad en nuevas variedades de albaricoquero mediante microscopía de fluorescencia. Actas Portuguesas de Horticultura 30: 268-273.

  • 2019

  • Balas F., López‑Corrales M., Serradilla M.J., Cai L., Iezzoni A., Wünsch A. (2019). Firmness QTL mapping using an ‘Ambrunés’ x ‘Sweetheart’ sweet cherry population. Acta horticulturae 1235: 41-45.
  • Calle A., Cai L., Iezzoni A., Wünsch A. (2019). Construction of a high‑density SNP marker linkage map of ‘Vic’ x ‘Cristobalina’ in sweet cherry. Acta horticulturae 1235: 55-60.
  • Fadón E., Herrero M., Rodrigo J. (2019). Flower bud development and winter dormancy in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). Acta Horticulturae 1231: 1-6.
  • Fadón E., Herrero M., Rodrigo J. (2019). Pollen meiosis and chilling requirements in sweet cherry . Acta Horticulturae 1235: 395-400.
  • Guerra M.E., Casadomet C., Rodrigo J. (2019). Reproductive behavior of new South African cultivars of Japanese plum. Acta Horticulturae 1231: 55-58.
  • Hardner C., Peace C., Quero‑Garcia J., Vanderzand S., Giovannini D., Barreneche T., Campoy J.A., Charlot G., Liverani A., Oraguzie N., Villamil‑Castro M., Cai L., Ordidge M., Wünsch A., Sotiropoulos T., Kazantzis K., Patocchi A., Perren S., Graetz D., Iezzoni A. (2019). Building international partnerships for the collation of historical data to study the environmental stability of genomic predictions in sweet cherry. Acta horticulturae 1235: 47-53.
  • Lora J., Hormaza J.I., Herrero M., Rodrigo J. (2019). Self‑incompatibility and S‑allele identification in new apricot cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 1231: 171-176.
  • Dissemination Journals

    En prensa

  • Bielsa B., Sanz M.A., Rubio-Cabetas M.J. (En prensa). Garnem® y Mirobolán ‘P.2175’: Dos respuestas diferentes al estrés hídrico y sus implicaciones en tolerancia a la sequía. Revista Fruticultura.
  • Montensinos A., Grimplet J., Rubio-Cabetas M.J. (En prensa). La arquitectura de las variedades de almendro se ven influenciadas por la elección del portainjerto. Revista Fruticultura.

  • 2022

  • Val J., Del Río S., Cantin C.M., Díaz A. (2022). Avances en el estudio de fisiopatías emergentes del melocotón tardío. Vida Rural 510: 50-55.

  • 2021

  • Bielsa B., Montesinos A., Espiau M.T., Ansón J.M., Santiago J., Laya D., Sanz M.A., Estopiñán G., González V., Grimplet J., Rubio Cabetas M.J. (2021). Mejora genética del almendro: pasado, presente y futuro. Agricultura: Revista Agropecuaria 1047: 48-55.
  • Guerra M.E., Rodrigo J. (2021). Aclareo de frutos en función del establecimiento del cuajado en ciruelo japonés. Revista De Fruticultura 81 extra: 38-43.
  • Herrera S., Lora J., Hormaza J.I., Rodrigo J. (2021). Albaricoquero: renovación varietal y necesidades de polinización. Agricultura: Revista Agropecuaria 1047: 56-60.
  • Isla R., Mirás-Avalos J.M., Medina E.T., Castrillo E., Soler M., Camuñas F., Alonso J.M. (2021). La dosificación de agua y nutrientes en el melocotón tardío de Calanda: una cuestión complicada. Revista De Fruticultura 83: 36-49.
  • Medina-Lozano I. (2021). Variedades tradicionales, apuesta segura. Web RICA: Red de Intercambio de Conocimiento Agroalimentario Rica: Opiniones y experiencias.
  • Urrestarazu J., Errea P., Miranda C., Santesteban L.G., Pina A. (2021). La diversidad genética del ciruelo europeo procedente del noreste español. Revista De Fruticultura 81: 16-27.

  • 2020

  • Grimplet J. (2020). Los compuestos orgánicos volátiles de los aceites esenciales como alternativa sostenible a los plaguicidas en el viñedo. Web RICA: Red de Intercambio de Conocimiento Agroalimentario Rica: Opiniones y experiencias.
  • Herrera S., Lora J., Hormaza J.I., Rodrigo J. (2020). Necesidades de polinización en variedades de albaricoquero (Parte I): autoincompatibilidad. Revista De Fruticultura 77: 52-61.
  • Herrera S., Lora J., Hormaza J.I., Rodrigo J. (2020). Necesidades de polinización en variedades de albaricoquero (Parte II): selección de variedades polinizantes. Revista De Fruticultura 78: 6-11.
  • Iban E., Aranzana M.J., Arús P., Bassi D., Cantin C.M., Cirilli M., Cos-Terrer J., Drogoudi P., Foschi S., Guevara A., López Ortiz D., Micali S., Reig G., Rossini L., Verde I. (2020). ‘PeachRefPop’: una nueva colección de referencia europea en melocotonero. Revista De Fruticultura 73: 6-19.
  • Rodrigo J. (2020). El cerezo en España: variedades y polinización. Boletin Tecnico Pomáceas 114: 2-5.

  • 2019

  • Alonso Segura J.M. (2019). El almendro, una alternativa de cultivo. Web RICA: Red de Intercambio de Conocimiento Agroalimentario Rica: Opiniones y experiencias.
  • Díaz A. (2019). ¡Cuánto cuesta comer sano!. Web RICA: Red de Intercambio de Conocimiento Agroalimentario Rica: Opiniones y experiencias.!-aurora-diaz-266112
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